Nutrition and Exercise for Wellness and Recovery
Nutrition and Exercise for Wellness and Recovery (NEW-R) is a weight loss program for people with mental illnesses that was created in partnership with Catana Brown at Midwestern University and her colleagues. The program addresses how to make behavioral changes in nutrition and physical activity. Each weekly session includes education, opportunities for active learning, and moderate exercise. A primary focus of NEW-R is to promote “being intentional” by engaging purposefully in weight management activities. To accomplish this, participants are helped to set daily and weekly goals for a healthier lifestyle. They are encouraged to plan and think about daily behaviors that impact their weight. Making small changes, promoting individual choice, and encouraging positive cognitions are core components of NEW-R.
In a randomized controlled trial study, NEW-R participants showed improvement in perceived competence for exercise and healthy eating, along with health practices. When used in supportive settings, NEW-R also may initiate weight loss.
In a pilot study, NEW-R participants lost an average of 3 pounds at immediate post-intervention, and lost an average of 10 pounds at the 6-month follow-up. Participants also demonstrated significant increases in their knowledge about nutrition and physical activity.
Access our published research on NEW-R in our Repository of Research Articles.
Download the NEW-R teacher and participant manuals, listen to a podcast, and watch a how-to webinar.
Stream the NEW-R workout videos.
In a randomized controlled trial study, NEW-R participants showed improvement in perceived competence for exercise and healthy eating, along with health practices. When used in supportive settings, NEW-R also may initiate weight loss.
In a pilot study, NEW-R participants lost an average of 3 pounds at immediate post-intervention, and lost an average of 10 pounds at the 6-month follow-up. Participants also demonstrated significant increases in their knowledge about nutrition and physical activity.
Access our published research on NEW-R in our Repository of Research Articles.
Download the NEW-R teacher and participant manuals, listen to a podcast, and watch a how-to webinar.
Stream the NEW-R workout videos.